Kim Campbell


December 2008

Bulgarian School of Politics

Political Leadership in the 21st Century (AUDIO ONLY)

On Monday, December 8, 2008, the Bulgarian School of Politics hosted Former Prime Minister Campbell as a special guest lecturer. Ms. Campbell spoke about the challenges facing political leaders of the 21st century and specifically, what skills are essential for an effective leader.  (Note: This file is AUDIO ONLY.)

Topic(s): Miscellaneous

© Bulgarian School of Politics

© Bulgarian School of Politics

November 2008


2008 US Election Night

CTV Newsnet asks for Former Prime Minsiter Campbell's opinions on the US Presidential race on election night, November 4, 2008 as she observes it from Paris, France.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian



October 2008

2008 International Women's Forum Hall of Fame

Masterpiece of Leadership

This video was crafted by the International Women's Forum and shown on the occasion of Ms. Campbell's induction into their Hall of Fame. "Each year the International Women’s Forum celebrates the enduring contributions of the world’s top women leaders who are building better tomorrows, setting precedents by their work and example. Over the years, the International Women’s Forum has been privileged to induct into the International Hall of Fame 77 women luminaries."

This tribute video was created by Ganick Communications for the International Women's Forum Gala on October 17, 2008.  Very special thanks to both Ganick Communications and the IWF for use of this video.

Learn more about the IWF and their Hall of Fame

Topic(s): Autobiographical

September 2008

CBC News Today

Sexism in Politics

Right Honourable Kim Campbell weighs in on the US Presidential race, especially the nomination of Sarah Palin, and discusses sexism in politics.  The interview aired on September 5, 2008.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CBC-Canada

©2008 CBC-Canada

August 2008

CTV - Canada AM

Michelle Obama's Convention Speech

CTV's Canada AM team asks Former Prime Minsiter Campbell's opinion on the US Presidential race, especially Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.  The interview originally aired on August 26, 2008.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CTV

©2008 CTV

August 2008


2008 US Presidential Campaign

CBC asks the Right Honourable Kim Campbell about her impressions of the US Presidential campaign as she attends the International Leaders Forum at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CBC-Canada

©2008 CBC-Canada

July 2008

CTV - Canada AM

Hillary Clinton's Impending Concession

CTV's Canada AM team asks Former Prime Minsiter Campbell's opinion on the US Presidential race, especially on the impending concession of Hillary Clinton as she bows out of the Democratic primary.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CTV

©2008 CTV

June 2008

Chicago Public Library - Part I

Climate Change Uniting the World

In the past decade, climate change has come to be recognized globally as one of the most serious challenges facing our planet.  In her speech "The Social Dimensions of Climate Change,” Ms. Campbell helps explain the effects of climate change on people, and offers insight into the actions that will be necessary in order to save cultures, lifestyles and lives.


Topic(s): Climate Change

©2008 Chicago Public Library

©2008 Chicago Public Library

June 2008

Chicago Public Library - Part II

Taking Responsibility for Climate Change

In the past decade, climate change has come to be recognized globally as one of the most serious challenges facing our planet.  In her speech "The Social Dimensions of Climate Change,” Ms. Campbell helps explain the effects of climate change on people, and offers insight into the actions that will be necessary in order to save cultures, lifestyles and lives.

Topic(s): Climate Change

© 2008 Chicago Public Library

© 2008 Chicago Public Library

June 2008

Chicago Public Library - Part III

Global Leadership for Climate Action and Social Dimensions of Climate Change

In the past decade, climate change has come to be recognized globally as one of the most serious challenges facing our planet.  In her speech "The Social Dimensions of Climate Change,” Ms. Campbell helps explain the effects of climate change on people, and offers insight into the actions that will be necessary in order to save cultures, lifestyles and lives.

Topic(s): Climate Change

©2008 Chicago Public Library

©2008 Chicago Public Library

May 2008

CTV - Canada AM

Hillary Clinton in the US Primary Race

CTV's Canada AM team asks Former Prime Minister Campbell's opinion on the US Presidential race, especially the Democratic Primary in which Hillary Clinton is trying to become the first female president of the United States.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CTV

©2008 CTV

May 2008

Edmonton City TV

Canada in the World

On May 5th, 2009 Ms. Campbell did this interview at Edmonton City TV the afternoon before her appearance in the University of Alberta's Prime Ministers Conversation Series.  In this interview she talks about the university's centenary celebration, Canadian politics and what she's doing now.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 Edmonton City TV

©2008 Edmonton City TV

May 2008

CBC Univ of Alberta Prime Ministers Conversation Series - Part III

Story of the Barbara Woodley Photo

Kim Campbell was featured on May 5, 2008 in the Prime Ministers Conversation Series at the University of Alberta.  The Office of the President of the university produced the series as the marquee event of their Centenary Celebration in 2008. The series featured Canada’s six former prime ministers engaged in an intimate conversation with well-known facilitator The Honourable Jim Edwards, PC. The broadly defined theme of the conversation series was “Advancing Canada—Changing the World.” The series was co-hosted by The Right Honourable Don Mazankowski, PC, OC, AOE; and The Honourable Anne McLellan, PC.
In this clip, Ms. Campbell talks about the Barbara Woodley photo controversy.  
The University of Alberta intended the series as a gift to the Canadian public in honor of the University's Centenary. Visit the Prime Minister’s Conversation Series to learn more about the university and the series.

Topic(s): Miscellaneous

©2008 Copyright CBC-Canada

©2008 Copyright CBC-Canada

May 2008

Edmonton City TV

Univ of Alberta Centenary & misc

On May 5th, 2009 Ms. Campbell did this interview at Edmonton City TV the afternoon before her appearance in the University of Alberta's Prime Ministers Conversation Series.  In this interview she talks about the university's centenary celebration, Canadian politics and what she's doing now.

Topic(s): Miscellaneous

©2008 Edmonton City TV

©2008 Edmonton City TV

May 2008

CBC Univ of Alberta Prime Ministers Conversation Series - Part I

Growing up to Break Barriers

Kim Campbell was featured on May 5, 2008 in the Prime Ministers Conversation Series at the University of Alberta.  The Office of the President of the university produced the series as the marquee event of their Centenary Celebration in 2008. The series featured Canada’s six former prime ministers engaged in an intimate conversation with well-known facilitator The Honourable Jim Edwards, PC. The broadly defined theme of the conversation series was “Advancing Canada—Changing the World.” The series was co-hosted by The Right Honourable Don Mazankowski, PC, OC, AOE; and The Honourable Anne McLellan, PC.

The University of Alberta intended the series as a gift to the Canadian public in honor of the University's Centenary. Visit the Prime Minister’s Conversation Series to learn more about the university and the series, and WATCH FULL EPISODES on the CBC website.

Topic(s): Gender & Power

©2008 Copyright CBC-Canada

©2008 Copyright CBC-Canada

May 2008

CBC Univ of Alberta Prime Ministers Conversation Series - Part II

Being Justice Minister

Kim Campbell was featured on May 5, 2008 in the Prime Ministers Conversation Series at the University of Alberta.  The Office of the President of the university produced the series as the marquee event of their Centenary Celebration in 2008. The series featured Canada’s six former prime ministers engaged in an intimate conversation with well-known facilitator The Honourable Jim Edwards, PC. The broadly defined theme of the conversation series was “Advancing Canada—Changing the World.” The series was co-hosted by The Right Honourable Don Mazankowski, PC, OC, AOE; and The Honourable Anne McLellan, PC.
The University of Alberta intended the series as a gift to the Canadian public in honor of the University's Centenary. Visit the Prime Minister’s Conversation Series to learn more about the university and the series, and WATCH FULL EPISODES on the CBC website.

Topic(s): Politics: US & Canadian

©2008 CBC-Canada

©2008 CBC-Canada

April 2008

CIISS Summit - Beijing China

Public Health Security: China and the World

On April 3, 2008, Right Honourable Kim Campbell opened the China Institute for International Strategic Studies Symposium on Health Security with a keynote speech.

Topic(s): Miscellaneous

© 2008 CIISS

© 2008 CIISS

March 2008

World Bank Workshop - Part I

Social Dimensions of Climate Change

The Social Development Department of the World Bank hosted a workshop on March 5-6, 2008 in order to build a greater understanding of the social implications of climate change. Right Honourable Kim Campbell was invited to address the workshop and share her experience as a leader.


Topic(s): Climate Change

©2008 World Bank

©2008 World Bank

March 2008

World Bank Workshop - Part II

Security Risks of Climate Change

The Social Development Department of the World Bank hosted a workshop on March 5-6, 2008 in order to build a greater understanding of the social implications of climate change. Right Honourable Kim Campbell was invited to address the workshop and share her experience as a leader.

Topic(s): Climate Change

©2008 World Bank

©2008 World Bank